Maritime Scrubber WaSHwater
Automatic, Low-Maintenance Washwater Filtration Systems for Diesel Exhaust Scrubbers
Oberlin Pressure Filter Benefits
- 100% Water Processing – Eliminates need for secondary dirty water collection or storage
- Dry Solids Discharge of Non-Hazardous & Easily Disposable Dry Filter Cake
- Extremely Clean Water Filtrate allows easy discharge back to Body of Water
- Enables the vessel to burn a high Sulfur less expensive fuel while adhering or exceeding the environmental level regulations of cleanliness of water discharged back into the environment
- Simple Integration with Client’s Scrubber
- Worldwide Support

Oberlin Filter is pleased to announce we have signed an agreement with CR Ocean Engineering to supply wash water treatment system used on closed-loop and hybrid scrubber systems. CR Ocean is world-leading manufacturer of marine exhaust gas scrubber systems.

No Membranes

No Centrifuges

No Chemical Treatment Needed