Don’t Let Labor Shortages Slow You Down: The Filtration System That Works Overtime So You Don’t Have To

Don’t Let Labor Shortages Slow You Down: The Filtration System That Works Overtime So You Don’t Have To

The manufacturing sector is facing an unprecedented labor crisis. According to the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), a staggering 750,000 manufacturing jobs remain unfilled across the United States. This shortage is projected to intensify further, with Deloitte predicting that 2.1 million manufacturing jobs will lie vacant by 2030.

What’s behind this rise in unfilled roles? Some point to an aging workforce nearing retirement, and others note the waning interest among younger generations in pursuing blue-collar professions. As companies try to keep up their operations without optimal staffing, many are looking to optimize their operations rather than burn out their teams.

One area that can be optimized pretty quickly is filtration. For industries using industrial filtration systems (think treatment for wastewater, food manufacturers, and oil and gas production), quality filtration matters. Yet, manual filtration is labor-intensive, requiring constant monitoring and frequent media changes.

With an already strained workforce and tight margins, any bottleneck can severely impede production, hamper quality control, and escalate costs. The solution? Automation.

By upgrading to advanced filtration systems, companies can enhance their filtration, reduce manual interventions, and reallocate their limited personnel to other core tasks – while ensuring that their teams aren’t stretched thin and can focus on the bigger picture.

How Does Automated Filtration Work?


Automatic pressure filtration represents a paradigm shift in industrial liquid filtration. At its core, this process employs powerful pumps to forcefully drive the liquid through tightly packed filter media. As the liquid passes through, even microscopic particulates down to 1 micron in size are trapped, delivering exponentially cleaner effluent than conventional filtration methods.

The versatility of automatic pressure filtration is impressive. Regardless of whether the application involves coolants, metal finishing chemistries, frying oils, or wastewater laden with metal hydroxides or other contaminants, this advanced technology excels. Up to 99.99% of suspended solids can be consistently removed across diverse industrial sectors.

Unlike traditional media filters, which require frequent manual changeouts, these automated systems leverage higher differential pressure to extend filter cycles. At the end of every filtration cycle, air is used to dry the cake. The dry cake is separated from the filter media for straightforward disposal of both. This intelligent self-cleaning capability minimizes manual intervention and downtime.

By delivering consistently pure liquids, these systems unlock substantial gains in production efficiency and cost savings.

The Benefits of Moving To Automated Filtration Systems


Improved Product Quality and Consistency

With contaminants removed down to the micron level, automatic filters ensure unparalleled liquid purity. For manufacturers, this translates into superior product quality and batch-to-batch consistency. And food and beverage producers can help maintain the flavor and quality of their products by using automated filtration to remove impurities that can affect taste.

Extended Equipment Life

Highly filtered liquids place far less strain on process equipment like nozzles, pumps, and application machinery. Freed from particulate wear, these assets experience longer service intervals between maintenance or replacement. The associated downtime costs and capital expenditures are minimized.

Reducing Disposal Costs and Enabling Recycling

Many industrial processes generate hazardous sludge, requiring costly disposal. Pressure filters avoid this by capturing solids in an easily handled dry cake form. This byproduct can often be recycled or even sold, transforming a disposal liability into a potential revenue stream. The filtered liquids themselves can also be recycled rather than discarded.

Can Automated Filtration Help Alleviate the Labor Crunch?


When labor is sparse, companies are forced to get creative with their operations. For many, this means adding responsibility to the shoulders of their existing employees – which can increase the rate of human error and decrease overall efficiency.

Automated filtration systems can help complement your operations by taking over the manual tasks of monitoring and operating equipment. This reduces the risk of human error and frees up employees to focus on other important tasks, leading to increased productivity and reduced labor costs.

Reducing Manual Processes

Traditional filtration methods demand constant monitoring and frequent manual media changes by operators. When time is given to labor-intensive tasks, it takes away from other essential duties.

Automated filtration systems can help alleviate this burden by performing these tasks automatically. Employees can focus on more critical responsibilities and increase their productivity by reducing manual processes.

Facilitating Lights-Out Operations

Pressure filtration removes the need for manual interventions, unlocking the capability for unattended, round-the-clock operation. This maximizes your production uptime and allows for increased output without additional labor costs. With automated filtration systems, you can trust that your production will continue smoothly even when no one is physically present.

Resilience to Personnel Changes

Even when experiencing high workforce turnover – a common reality across manufacturing – automated filtration keeps up operational continuity. Since manual processes are minimized, there is little reliance on seasoned operators’ expertise. New hires can be swiftly onboarded without impacting quality or productivity.

By investing in cutting-edge pressure filtration, you overcome bottlenecks and create an optimized environment for your teams to thrive. Your existing staff can focus on higher-skilled roles, ensuring that this critical operation is being executed flawlessly, 24/7, with utmost efficiency and workplace safety.

Don’t Let Labor Shortages Slow You Down – Experience Automation with Oberlin Filter


With over 60 years of experience and thousands of successful installations worldwide, Oberlin has perfected this technology to meet the most demanding industrial applications.

At the heart of Oberlin’s systems lies our patented filter design engineered for robust, continuous-duty performance. Our advantage lies in harnessing higher pressure differentials to drive filtration – a powerful 30-40 PSI force compared to just 7.5 PSI for typical vacuum filters.

This superior pressurized process enables Oberlin’s systems to achieve remarkable results. Our patented filter designs can remove particulates down to 1 micron in size with 99.99% efficiency, delivering exponentially cleaner liquids than conventional methods. The filtered solids emerge as an extremely dry cake requiring no further dewatering.

At the core of each Oberlin unit is an inexpensive filter media designed to trap the particles and prevent them from entering the clean side of the system. As the liquid is forced through under high pressure, solids rapidly accumulate into a dense cake atop the media surface. This cake itself acts as an additional filter, trapping even finer particulates through depth filtration.

The result? A fully automated, self-cleaning operation. Plant staff are free from labor-intensive filter media changes or hazardous solids handling. The filters run unattended 24/7, facilitating lights-out manufacturing despite personnel shortages.

Get Started Today

We’re proud to backup our automated filtration systems with total support – so you can get up and running quickly. Our team of experts will work with you to understand your specific filtration needs and provide the ideal solution.

Upgrade your filtration process today with Oberlin Filter Company’s advanced technology and high-quality filters. With Oberlin, your operations just got a whole lot smoother.

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The Silent Profit Killer: How Overlooked Filtration Problems Drain Your Budget

The Silent Profit Killer: How Overlooked Filtration Problems Drain Your Budget

Is your filtration system filtering out your profit? Learn how common (and uncommon) filtration issues may be hitting your bottom line.

In industrial settings, there are plenty of ways that profit can drain away – from inefficient processes and equipment downtime to wasted raw materials and energy consumption.

However, one often overlooked culprit is poor filtration. Ineffective or inadequate filtration systems can quietly eat away at your bottom line, causing a range of problems that may go unnoticed until they result in significant financial losses.

Filtration is a key process for a variety of industries, from food and beverage production to oil and gas refining. And most of the time, it’s a process that goes relatively unnoticed… until something goes wrong. But it may be the small, seemingly insignificant inefficiencies that are nickel and diming your profits away.


Common Filtration Problems: The Usual Suspects (and a Few Surprising Ones)


Filtration systems – particularly those in industrial settings – are finely-tuned machines. And like all machines, they require regular maintenance and occasional repairs to function at their best. But even with proper maintenance, there are a few common culprits that can lead to filtration problems.

The Usual Suspects:

Inefficient removal of suspended solids: If your filtration system isn’t effectively removing contaminants from your liquids, you may end up with subpar product quality, leading to waste and customer dissatisfaction. This can result in increased product rejections, rework, and even customer loss.

Wet solids and retention of valuable liquids: If your filter cakes are retaining too much moisture, you’re essentially throwing away product or raw materials. This can be particularly costly in industries where the liquid itself is a valuable commodity, such as in oil and gas processing. Inefficient dewatering can lead to reduced yield and increased waste disposal costs.

Frequent filter maintenance and downtime: If your filtration system requires constant attention and repairs, it’s not only draining your maintenance budget but also cutting into your production time and capacity. Excessive downtime can lead to missed production targets, delayed shipments, and dissatisfied customers.

High disposal costs for waste liquids and solids: If your filtration process is generating excessive waste, you’re not only paying for the loss of potentially valuable materials but also incurring hefty disposal fees. Inefficient filtration can lead to increased waste volume, which means higher transportation and disposal costs and potential environmental compliance issues.

Premature filter media replacement: If your filter media is clogging too quickly or not performing optimally, you may find yourself replacing it more frequently than necessary. This can lead to increased consumable costs and additional downtime for filter changeouts.

Filtration Problems That May Surprise You

While common maintenance costs related to filtration are well-known, there are some unexpected problems that can arise and drive up your expenses even further. It’s these that may sneak away with your budget if you don’t address them quickly:

Bacterial growth and contamination: Poor filtration can lead to the buildup of bacteria or other microorganisms, which can contaminate your fluid. In some industries, such as food processing, this can also result in serious health and safety risks. Bacterial contamination can damage your brand reputation and lead to legal liabilities.

Unintended introduction of filter aids or additives: If your filtration process isn’t carefully managed, you may inadvertently allow unwanted substances into your product, compromising its quality and purity. This can be particularly problematic in industries with strict purity requirements, such as pharmaceuticals or electronics manufacturing.

Energy inefficiency: Filtration systems that are not optimized for energy efficiency can lead to higher power consumption and increased operating costs. This can be due to oversized pumps, inefficient filter media, or poor system design.

Incomplete removal of targeted contaminants: If your filtration system is not designed to handle the specific contaminants in your process, you may be leaving behind harmful substances that can impact product quality or cause downstream issues. This can be especially problematic in industries with stringent purity requirements, such as high-purity chemicals or semiconductors.


How Filtration Problems Translate to Profit Loss

The financial consequences of poor filtration can be significant from increased operating costs to reduced production efficiency. It’s when we ignore the importance of filtration and do not take proper precautions that we open ourselves up to potential profit loss.


Example 1: Inefficient Removal of Suspended Solids

Let’s say you’re a food processing company that produces 1,000,000 pounds of breaded chicken per day. If your filtration system is not effectively removing suspended solids, you may end up with charred oil and a product that has a lower quality than your customers expect. This could lead to increased product rejections and returns, and a large waste oil stream – leading to lost revenue and additional costs for disposal.

If the chicken is produced on four 1,500 gallon fryers, and the oil is disposed of once per week, that’s 6,000 gallons of oil dumped per week. A market price of $6 per gallon translates to a weekly loss of $36,000, or $1,872,000 per year. Add in unsaleable product, or potential damage to your brand reputation, and the financial impact becomes even more significant.


Example 2: Frequent Filter Maintenance and Downtime

Let’s consider a metalworking facility that uses a coolant filtration system to maintain the quality of its cutting fluids. If the filtration system requires frequent maintenance and experiences excessive downtime, it can have a cascading effect on production efficiency and costs.

If the filtration system requires an additional 2 hours of maintenance per week compared to a more efficient system, that’s 104 hours of lost production time per year. If the facility’s average hourly production output is valued at $10,000, that equates to a potential loss of over $1 million in annual revenue.

Frequent maintenance also means increased labor costs for your maintenance team and the potential for rushed or incorrect repairs that could lead to further downtime and quality issues down the line.


Trust Oberlin Filter Solutions With Your Bottom Line


Once you’ve identified filtration inefficiencies in your process, it’s time to take action to optimize your systems and protect your profits. While you could attempt to handle many of these issues in-house, partnering with a trusted filtration expert like Oberlin Filter Solutions is often more cost-effective and efficient.

With decades of proven experience in filtration system design, installation, and maintenance, we have the knowledge and resources to help you reduce your disposal costs and maximize the value of your wastewater.

Automatic Pressure Filtration Systems

Oberlin Filter specializes in automatic pressure filtration systems that deliver superior performance and reliability. These systems are engineered to handle a wide range of applications and can be customized to meet the specific needs of your process.

Unmatched Filtration Efficiency

Oberlin Filter’s automatic pressure filters can remove up to 99.99% of total suspended solids, ensuring a high-quality filtrate with minimal contaminants. This level of efficiency can help reduce product rejections, minimize waste, and improve overall process consistency.

Wide Range of Filtration Capabilities

Oberlin Filter’s systems can filter down to 1 micron, handling even the most challenging filtration applications. Whether dealing with fine particulates, high-viscosity liquids, or complex contaminants, Oberlin Filter has the expertise and technology to deliver effective solutions.

Expertise Across Industries and Applications


Oberlin Filter has extensive experience serving various industries, including food and beverage, chemical processing, metalworking, and more. This broad expertise allows them to apply lessons learned from one application to another, delivering innovative solutions that are tailored to your specific needs.

Don’t risk losing necessary profit to subpar filtration systems. Trust Oberlin Filter’s proven technology and expertise to provide reliable, high-performing solutions for your filtration needs. Contact us today to learn more and take the first step toward improving your filtration process.

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Enhancing Efficiency with Innovative Filtration Technology 

Enhancing Efficiency with Innovative Filtration Technology 

In today’s highly competitive world, being effective and efficient is key. We are often always looking for ways to streamline processes and save time in both our personal lives and at work. When it comes to filtration technology, being effective and efficient is not optional. With rising environmental concerns and the need for clean water, companies have been extremely eager to make the investment in finding innovative filtration technology to meet these demands. Let’s explore how different filtration technologies are enhancing our efficiency and making a positive impact on our lives one micron at a time. 


The Importance of Filtration Technology 

Filtering out impurities in the industrial process is essential for maintaining high quality standards in your production processes. With an increasing demand for clean water and the need to reduce waste, in a safe and sustainable way, companies are constantly developing new and improved filtration technologies to step up to meet these challenges. 


Oberlin’s Advanced Automatic Pressure Filtration Systems  

One example of an industry leading and innovative solution is the Oberlin Automatic Pressure Filtration System. This technology removes up to 99.99% of total suspended solids from liquids. The filter can remove varying solids, from small metal fines to food crumbs, down to 1 micron. Think of this technology as an invisible gatekeeper guarding the purity of your liquid. It allows only the desired liquid molecules to pass through, while meticulously blocking even the tiniest intruders, down to 1 micron. This ensures that the integrity of your process, and liquid, remains virtually untouched. 


The Future of Filtration Technology 

As the demand for clean liquids and dry solids continues to grow, the future of filtration technology looks promising. Many companies are more focused on investing in research and development to create more efficient and environmentally friendly processes using filtration technology. Additionally, future uses of artificial intelligence and automation in filtration systems could take improving efficiency and reducing the need for manual processes to a whole new level. 


Advancing Filtration Technology

Filtration technology is constantly evolving and improving to meet the demands of today’s modern world. Modern industrial filtration systems are full of innovations that are enhancing efficiency and making a positive impact on our environment and modern production processes. As technology continues to advance, it’s safe to say we can expect to see even more filtration solution applications appear in the not-so-distant future.